Module 3 - Exhibitor Harvester Data, Tasks, & Communication
Welcome to the Getting Started with Exhibitor Harvester On-Demand Course, Module 3 - Data, Tasks, & Communication. The videos in this module will review how you can work effectively and efficiently in the Data Pages, with adding Tasks to gather information from your Exhibitors, and how to use the Email tool in the Communications page as well as tips on on how to create custom distribution lists from the Data and Tasks pages.

Data Pages
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
This video will review how the Data Pages in the Exhibitor Harvester help simplify your exhibitor management by giving you control to add Companies, Contacts, Booth Numbers, and Sponsorships, as well as easily track your Exhibitors.
Tasks Page
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
This video will review how to add and edit a Task.
Communications Page
Open to view video. | 9 minutes
Open to view video. | 9 minutes
The Communications page allows you to provide login information to your Users so they can access their Tasks, send reminder emails to Users with incomplete tasks, and provide booth and general event information. This video will show you how to create an email, customize the content of your emails with hotkeys, and how to create Custom Distribution Lists.